Voices of Children


The rights of children and young people to experience play, care and learning opportunities outside schoolis the central aim of the Scottish Out of School Care Network (SOSCN). As per the United Nations Convention on the \Rights of the Child, we are committed to ensuring that children have a voice and that it is heard: we ensure thatchildren and young people are consulted and listened to regards their experiences of using out of school care.

The following selected information has been taken from our recent publication 'Fun! FUN! Super fun! Children'sthoughts on OSC.' which contains the results of a survey with 650 children who access OSC across Scotland.Overall, children are positive about their experiences of using OSC.

'I know I can ask staff if I need help or have a worry' (88% of children agreed)

'The staff care about children in the club and listen to us' (87% of children agreed)

'I mostly enjoy being with other children at the club' ('Yes' - 78%)

'I am quite happy at the club ('Yes' - 76%)

'I choose what play and games I do at the club' ('Yes' - 74%)

What is the best thing about OSC?

'Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! FUN! Super fun!' (Girl, 8)

'It's amazing: I can speak to staff about my worries. I like how we are involved with new changes at a club. Ilove making new friends I enjoy going on trips. I like how Brenda teaches us new games.' (Girl, 10)

'I love it so much!'

'The best thing about the club is that we get to know the staff. We also get to know all the other children in theclub. Everybody gets a chance to share their opinion when they want to and we also get to choose a list ofthe trips we go on.'

'You can play with your favourite toys and hang out with your buddies'. (Boy, 7)

'We have lots of fun and the staff and children look out for each other. We have lots of fun there; the staffare funny. We make friends at the club. The staff help other children and it runs very well.' (Boy, 11)

'People listen - do things if something wrong.'

'The best thing is that I love we get to choose and speak and get listened to.'

'We have brilliant games and amazing staff and that's what makes the service brilliant.' (Boy, 9)

'The best thing about the club is the staff care and look after you. Any time you have a worry the staff are alwaysthere for you no matter what. We also choose different things we want in the club and will be provided withthe things' (Girl, 10)

'I love club because I like the staff and I cannot wait to go there.' (Girl, 10)

'We have brilliant games and amazing staff and that's what makes the service brilliant.' (Boy, 9)

'The best thing about my club is all the friends because they are kind.' (Girl, 7)

How could the club be improved?

'Nothing - the club is perfect.' (Girl, 8)

'I think we could get new toys at the club. Apart from that, it's absolutely perfect.' (Girl, 8)

'We could go on trips. Plz, plz, plz, plz, plz.' (Girl, 11)

'A bit quieter - it gives me a sore head.'

'With love hearts on the walls and flowers and making cakes sometimes.'

'Buy rollerskates for everybody!!!!!!!'

'Picnic outside in the summer.' (Girl, 5)

'To go for more walks and play in the park more.' (Girl, 9)

'I like this place but I would like to change snack to brownies.' (Boy, 7)

'Getting better trips and winning the Lottery.' (Boy ?)

'More choices for play.' (Boy, 9)

'Once a week a tasty snack where we come in and then something hot to eat in about an hour.' (Boy, 10)

'More games. I don't like painting. I miss my mum.' (Boy, 5)

'Get more toys- mini football goals, more footballs. A mini trampoline.' (Boy, 8)

'More toys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' (Boy, 8)

Read SOSCN consultations with children

'Fun!, Fun!, Super Fun!' - Children's thoughts on OSC

Children's Holiday Club Survey: Summary Results

Interim Report Children's STEM Survey Year 1

last updated: 29/11/2023