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SOSCN Out of School Care Training

SOSCN has written and delivers a number of training sessions all of which have been created to meet the specific needs of the out of school care sector. Training sessions are delivered locally.

In addition to our training sessions we are able to provide bespoke training tailored to the needs of individual services or groups of services. Our bespoke training sessions have covered a variety of topics including 'Play and Risk in OSC', 'Responsibilities and duties in OSC', 'Improving Play Practice', amongst others. If you would like training on a topic which is not covered in our training sessions, why not contact us to discuss your needs?

Trainers' skills and experience

Irene Audain MBE, MA (Hons) MEd (Open) Pg Dip AdvDip (Open) is the Chief Executive of SOSCN and has been working for SOSCN since 1993. In the early 1980s Irene set up in Glasgow one of the first out of school care services in Scotland.

Andrew Shoolbread MA (Hons) MSc MEd (Open) AdvDip (Open) is the Research Manager for SOSCN and has been working for SOSCN since 2001. Andrew has also taught English and communication skills to school-aged children in Japan and Spain.

Both Irene and Andrew have over 30 years combined knowledge of working within the out of school care sector, and are experienced in delivering training. They also deliver the mentoring programme for SOSCN's Achieving Quality Assurance Scheme.


If you would like training delivered locally, contact us and we can see what we can offer:

TrainingSessions: How are you doing?Conducting Staff Supervision and Appraisals Balancing the booksThe basics of running out of school care in a business-like way What's the plan?How to develop and write a business plan Who's doing what?Management and governance in out of school care

How are you doing? Conducting Staff Supervision and Appraisals

How do you appraise staff, and why? What clear processes are used, and how are the discussions documented? Staff supervision and appraisals are often a difficult but vital part of running a service- this session will provide you with some basic skills and processes to have the confidence to conduct meaningful supervision and appraisals.


To develop an understanding of the importance of conducting regular supervision and positive appraisals; setting goals and evaluating.

  • 'Very interesting- good opportunity to share ideas and values as well as working practice.'
  • 'Ours is a relatively new and small private service and only recently began employing staff. Much of the course content was useful and could be applied to our type of service.'
  • 'Useful session, I also find it insightful hearing from other staff members and their views on supervision and appraisals.'
  • 'Enjoyable course.'
  • 'I am only starting doing supervision and found the course very interesting.'
  • 'The trainers made the course interesting and informative. Thank you!'

Balancing the books. The basics of running out of school care in a business-like way

Thinking of out of school care in business terms can be difficult; however due to reduced external funding opportunities and the recession, services must be more financially self- sufficient. This session will provide suggestions on maximising income and reducing expenditure without adversely affecting quality.


To gain skills in the financial analysis of the different aspects of your service e.g. financial analysis for breakfast, term-time and holiday club; looking at ways of maximising your income and minimising your expenditure; developing and maintaining robust financial reporting and financial systems.

  • 'A lot of information is given in such a short time. Very explanatory and accurate. Good value for money- pleasantly and relaxingly delivered. Thank you.'
  • 'I really enjoy learning how to look at the money side where it goes and how it goes. Also the groups' ideas they have.'
  • 'These sessions are interesting and enable us to inform management committee.'
  • 'Get a lot from interaction and experience from other service providers.'
  • 'Just the right amount of information and not too 'heavy'.'

What's the plan? How to develop and write a business plan

Aiming High Scotland Quality Assurance Scheme as well many funding bodies require services to have a business plan. A business plan should be a 'live' and functioning document focussing on the current as well projected future financial operations of the service. A business plan will help guide the financial stability of the organisation and operate in a more business-like way. (This session follows on from 'Balancing the books' but can also be taken as an individual course.)


To have an understanding of the importance and reasons for having a current business plan; to understand what a business plan consists of; and to gain the skills to develop and write a business plan.

  • 'I did not know what to expect but I really enjoyed the course, thank you.'
  • 'Session was very informative and training materials were excellent!'
  • 'Good to evaluate ourselves.'
  • 'I found this session very informative.'
  • 'Very insightful and helpful- would be really beneficial for management committee members.'
  • 'This will enable me to now produce an effective business plan with all the relevant information included. Thank you.'
  • 'Course content was concise and to the point.'

Who's doing what? Management and governance in out of school care

Sometimes the lines between day-to-day operational management of out of school care services and the roles and responsibilities of volunteer management committees can be blurred. This course will help services define the difference in roles and responsibilities between paid managers and voluntary committees; show the importance of clear reporting systems between staff and volunteer committees; assist with continuation planning for changing committees, and ultimately help create a more robust voluntary management committee model within out of school care.

This course is aimed at paid managers/co-ordinators/lead practitioners as well as management committee members.


To understand the need for, and importance of: clear structures, roles of responsibility and reporting systems within voluntary organisations; to learn what should be contained within a committee handbook and codes of conduct for committee members.

  • 'A very understandable & enjoyable course. Very good listening to all other organisations' experiences, & how issues were solved.'
  • 'Enjoyed meeting you & learning more about my industry.'
  • 'Very informative- makes you think. Good discussions.'
  • 'V good course. Very relevant to our situation. Many thanks.'
last updated: 29/11/2023