Physical Activity in OSC

At SOSCN we are committed to encouraging physical activity and active play both indoors and outdoors at out of school care services. The health benefits of physical activity and active play are clear, and it is also recognised that they contribute to the overall wellbeing of children and adults- 'active' is included as one of the SHANARRI wellbeing indicators.

There is also plenty of evidence indicating that children, young people and adults are not leading sufficiently active lifestyles which is leading to higher levels of childhood obesity and diabetes, and ultimately leading to poorer health outcomes in later life.

We know that not everyone is either 'sporty' or competitive, however we believe that there are many ways to be active- physical games, gardening, dancing, skipping... anything which gets the heart pumping. We know that there may be barriers to undertaking activity such as a lack of confidence, fear of failure, and a disability or health condition.

Barriers should be seen merely as obstacles to be overcome and most activities can be adapted to suit abilities and above all they should be FUN!


We offer physical activity and wellbeing training sessions - for further information see:


AssociatedResources: Wellbeing Books Resources & Downloads
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    Bounce: The Myth of Talent and the Power of Practice

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    Inclusive Play: Practical Strategies for Children from Birth to Eight (2nd Edition)

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    DVD - Project Wild Thing

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last updated: 29/11/2023