Seeing the Whole Child

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'Seeing the Whole Child' - Learning Event

Thursday 20th September 2018 | Radisson Hotel, Glasgow

Event Now Fully Booked

Please note, this event is now fully booked. We are looking into running a second event with similar content and learnings from the day itself later in the year. Any bookings now received for the event will be added to a waiting list, and also to be notified about the subsequent event later in the year. We apologise that we cannot offer any more spaces for the 22nd Sep.

Behaviour should not define a child- we must look for the causes of what is often called 'difficult' or 'challenging' behaviour. What we see are often the symptoms of something deeper and hidden- it is the carer's role to see beyond the behaviour and discover the reasons for it. One of the questions that should be considered is not 'what's wrong?' but 'what's happened?'.

Carers need to be confident in their own skills and ability- with this learning event through the input of skilled professionals we aim to give out of school care staff the skills to start that process of successful support.

The day will be designed to challenge, support and inform. We would encourage participants to come with an open mind ready to grow and learn. The day will consider growth mind-set, the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) and also practical ideas for supporting children.

We are pleased to announce that the Minister for Childcare and Early Years, Maree Todd MSP will be giving a keynote address alongside SOSCN, Tina Hendry from Re-attachment and autism expert, Jim Taylor.

In the afternoon we shall also be screening the film 'Resilience' followed by discussion and reflection led by experts Tina Hendry and Jim Taylor.

About Maree Todd

Maree Todd was appointed Minister for Childcare and Early Years in November 2017.

Maree grew up in the West Highlands, attending Ullapool High School and then studying pharmacy and prescribing at Robert Gordon's and Strathclyde, as well as taking an ante-natal teaching diploma at the University of Bedfordshire, all by distance learning.

A pharmacist by profession, Todd worked in NHS Highland for 20 years, mainly as a mental health pharmacist in a psychiatric hospital. She also contributed to SIGN guidance on perinatal mental health.

About Jim Taylor

Jim's long career in Education and in the field of Autism has led to Jim having a wide range of experience, from teaching children with Autism from preschool age right through to the transition into childhood. He has also a wide range of experience in working with Services providing support to Adults. Jim has seen how significant progress can be made when positive, meaningful partnerships are made with individuals, families and professionals.
About 'Resilience':

'Resilience ... how adverse childhood experiences (ACES) can be linked to destructive behaviour and medical diseases.'
About Tina Hendry

FOUNDER Re Attachment - 'See the child, not the behaviour'

Staff nurse turned police officer, working in the most deprived and violent areas of Glasgow. Working first hand in communities where Adverse Childhood experiences (ACEs) and symptoms are entrenched. Symptoms that often are perceived as societies problems.

Tina has been a kinship carer for the past 11 years, passionate around raising awareness of the reality of disrupted attachment and impact of ACEs.

Tina is a therapeutic parent, Mellow parent facilitator, Solihull Approach trainer and restorative justice practitioner.

Tina's organisation Re Attachment was one of the two who brought the Film Resilience to Scotland, and completed a Scottish Tour, reaching 25 local authorities.



Radisson Hotel 301 Argyle Street Glasgow G2 8DL

Transport and Directions

Draft Programme

  • 9.15
  • Registration and refreshments
  • 9.45
  • Welcome, overview and setting the scene - SOSCN
  • 10.00
  • Maree Todd MSP, Minister for Childcare and Early Years
  • 10.20
  • Tina Hendry - attachment/ACES and supporting children
  • 11.00
  • Jim Taylor - autism in mainstream OSC settings
  • 11.40
  • 12.00
  • Group discussions
  • 12.45
  • Feedback/panel questions
  • 13.10
  • Close
  • 13.15
  • 13.45
  • Screening of 'Resilience' & panel discussion
  • 15.30
  • Close


£50 per individual or £80 for two individuals booked together


You can download a booking form here: BOOKING FORM

Please return your form by email to no later than 06/09/18

Places may be limited to two per service to ensure that as many organisations as possible are able to attend. We therefore cannot guarantee that more than two individuals from a service will be able to have a place.

Further Information

Participants will receive CPD certificates.

“Effort is one of those which gives meaning to life. Effort means you care about something, that something is important to you and you are willing to work for it.”

Professor Carol Dweck (Growth Mindset)

last updated: 07/07/2023