Safer Staffing

Safer Staffing Legislation Webinar

Online Learning Session - 15th January 2024 Free - places are limited

Scottish Government will enact new staffing legislation on the 1 April 2024. The Health and Care (Staffing)(Scotland) Act 2019 aims to enable safe and high-quality care and improved outcomes for children through appropriate staffing. This needs the right people, in the right place, with the right skills, at the right time.

The Scottish Government commissioned the Care Inspectorate's Safe Staffing Programme to support care services to prepare for the introduction of the Act. This is the first legislation in the UK to set out staffing requirements for both health and care services. It will effect changes to current legislation that guides the requirements of the services you currently provide.

The Care Inspectorate's safe staffing advisers, Joanne Duncan and Candice Aitken, are supporting daycare of children services to prepare for enactment and are facilitating this webinar where they will provide information and share best practices.

Booking Link:

last updated: 29/11/2023