Teaching Stem in OSC

image for stem masterclass artwork

'Teaching STEM in OSC'

Saturday 14th Spetember 2019

The training

This training event is aimed at practitioners working within OSC services. Course content will be of interest to previous participants in SOSCN Creative Computing training, as well as new participants who are interested in finding out ways to introduce computing in a fun way into their service.

The session will review the Raspberry Pi, and how to take forward work on Scratch and Minecraft. It will look at some new Makey Makey projects, as well as introducing some new software, Sonic Pi, for creating music. Amanda will also share some extras that can be bought to enhance projects.

More STEM information

You can find out more about SOSCN's previous Creative Computing work, as well as more abotu STEM here: https://soscn.org/participate/stem

How to book

Course cost: £60. Please include full invoice address on your booking form.

Course time: 10:00am - 12:45pm - registration and refreshments from 9:30am.

Location: Albany Centre, 44 Ashley St, Glasgow G3 6DS www.gcvs.org.uk/albany/

Booking form: You can access a booking form at either of these links: Booking Form (.doc) Booking Form (.pdf)

Please return completed forms to training@soscn.org

last updated: 07/07/2023